Pacific NW Federal Credit Union

Auto, Home & Life Insurance Options

It’s important to know that you and your loved ones are protected in case of an unforeseen event. Ensuring that you have the proper insurance coverage could save you from facing many difficult and costly future decisions. Through our partnership with TruStage Insurance Program, PNWFCU offers many affordable insurance options to help our members protect their auto, home and family.

If you haven’t comparison shopped on auto, home or life insurance in a while, now is the perfect time to find out how much you could save through your credit union. In minutes you can have all the information you need to make an informed decision. So why wait?

Let us assist you by reviewing your insurance coverage to help ensure your most precious investments — yourself and the ones you love — are protected.

Benefits Include:

AutoHomeLifeAD & D
Working with carefully selected auto insurance partners, the TruStage Auto Insurance Program can provide discounted rates for credit union members. If you haven’t compared auto insurance lately, it’s a great time to take a look.A quick phone call today could save you money on Home Insurance all year long. Protect your property and possessions with Home Insurance designed to fit your budget with special savings opportunities for PNWFCU members. Life insurance could be simpler than you think. We make reliable insurance options that are designed to be simple to understand. No physical exam is required and there’s no waiting period. We help you get Life Insurance that fits your needs and budget. To help you prepare for the unexpected, you’re entitled to no-cost Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance, an exclusive member benefit fully paid for by PNWFCU. You can add Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Coverage to your AD&D insurance for a more complete package.*
Dependable 24/7 emergency roadside assistanceNo-obligation rate quotes by phone or onlineRates are guaranteed never to go upAcceptance is guaranteed (if you’re a PNWFCU member over 18)
Some members save even more by combining discounts. Special national service center and 24-hour claims serviceThere’s no risk or obligation!Cover yourself or your entire family
Click here or Call toll-free 1-855-483-2149Click here or Call toll-free 1-855-483-2149Click here or Call toll-free 1-888-888-0376Click here or Call toll-free 1-855-612-7911

The TruStage Insurance Program is made available by CUNA Mutual Insurance Agency, Inc. and underwritten by leading insurance companies. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify. Discounts are not available in all states and discounts vary by state. A consumer report from a consumer reporting agency and/or motor vehicle report will be obtained on all drivers listed on your policy where state regulations allow. The insurance offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured or guaranteed by your credit union.
*AD&D Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Coverage may not be available in your state or provided by your credit union. Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Coverage is subject to a look back period, if diagnosis occurred before coverage begins, and a waiting period when diagnosis occurs after coverage begins. These may vary by state. Visit or call toll-free 855-612-7910 for more details.

Did You Receive a Proof of Insurance Request?

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